Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here's a Stocking of Coal For You...

...the unemployed of the United States of America.

This country is FUBAR. Republicans are blocking all legislation unless they get their tax cuts for the rich extended. Obama is "working with the other side of the aisle" to "fix" things, which means he is bending over backwards to appease the Right so he doesn't look like GW (unwilling to be bi-partisan) while completely alienating those of us on the Left. He buckled on health care, he's buckling on the tax cuts, he's buckling on, well...anything and everything thrown his way. If he really thinks that by capitulating to the Right's every whim that he'll gain favor with them, he is sorely mistaken. They will continue to call him every name that they always have...socialist, communist, bleeding heart.

Meanwhile, American companies just had their most profitable quarter ever.

All this in the middle of a bad economy. We're hosed. This country has hit the slippery slope at full speed and it is all downhill from here.

What the fuck is next...$4 for a gallon of gas again? Hyper inflation? How much more can they stick it to us serfs?

I am utterly sick of it. This country has become a joke.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The More Things Change...

...the more they stay the same. I'm a firm believer in that credo.

Before I begin, I'd like to throw out a disclaimer. This post is going to be about politics. Yes, I am fully aware that blogging about politics is not only passé, but hated by an awful lot of people. So feel free to stop reading right about now if you don't want to see any more political stuff.

Ok, all 2 of you who are still with me here...

Change. An interesting word. A word that might have possibly been just a teeny tiny wee little bit overused in an election around 2-ish years ago. It's still valid though, since that very word that was used and abused by our President is now being used and abused much the same way by his political foes.

I am (for the most part) a Democrat, and fairly certain that we are gonna get our asses whooped in 9 days. I believe the reason why we are going to lose House/Senate seats along with Governor races is because the people riding the political fence in this country have tipped to the Tea Party side, where they are being served an oh-so-tasty helping of "THE GUBMENT SUCKS!" Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, most of those drinkers are too stupid to realize exactly what they are getting themselves (and rest of us, for that matter) into.

Look, I get that they're angry over being taxed. I don't particularly care for taxes either, but I know well enough to know that they are necessary. I'm no fan of the government, but try to imagine the good ol' US of A with corporations running the education system, or repaving the highway you take to work everyday. Well, that is exactly what the Tea Party wants. Less government. An almost non-existent government. You know, abolishing it would work...if it were 1800, maybe 1900. Not now, it would never work now. We are too dependent on them for, well, everything. When I say "We", I mean EVERYONE, not just the so-called "leeches" on welfare.

Oh wait...they want smaller government, but not at the expense of programs/services they use.

(I highly recommend visiting the link above. It's a long read, but really worth it.)

I listen and see these political ads on the radio, on TV, and the these Tea Party nuts really do have the message figured out. Taxes are too high, the economy is shit, govt. spending is out of control, and it's all the Democrats fault. VOTE THE BUMS OUT! It's a very easy message to get behind, especially if you're lacking in the intelligence department. And a lot of folks are getting behind the message...possibly too many for Democrats to overcome.

I hope I'm wrong.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sometimes I curse the stupidity of people, sometimes I'll read a complete stranger's blog and I'm moved by the raw emotion they put out there for the entire world to see.

Sometimes I look at my life and wonder if it'll ever get better, sometimes I look at my life and think that I've got it pretty good.

Sometimes I couldn't care less about the direction the country is going, sometimes I want to fix every problem I see.

Sometimes I really miss smoking and drinking, sometimes I'll look at the bank account balance and think that I'm glad I don't do that stuff anymore.

Sometimes I'll wake up wishing I didn't have to go to work, sometimes I'll think about how lucky I am to have a good job.

Sometimes I worry if my teenage boys are really okay in these fragile years of theirs, sometimes I'm really impressed by how much character they have.

Sometimes my wife really gets on my nerves, sometimes I think that there's no way I'd survive without her.

Sometimes I look at my 19 month old daughter and wonder if I'm really as good of a father as I can be, sometimes she comes over and hugs me and I'm instantly given the answer.

Sometimes I look back at the old days with regret, sometimes I look back at the old days and remember the fun.

Sometimes I worry about the future, sometimes I can't wait to see what it brings.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


It's well-known (in hockey circles, at least) that Wayne Gretzky had a fear of flying. I remember seeing a show about him years ago that talked about this and one of the reasons why he had this fear is because, "I wasn't in control". That is exactly how I feel when I'm riding in a car and not driving it myself. I'm not in control of things.

Unfortunately, that little fear doesn't mesh well with my wife's push to get her driver's license.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want her to abandon her quest for four-wheel fact, I would welcome it just as much as she would. But I gotta say, it is really taxing on my psyche when she's behind the wheel. And sometimes I feel like I'm not being a good enough teacher because of this.

My wife works 4 nights a week, getting done with work at 11 pm or midnight. So that means that me and our daughter Ariel have to go pick her up and for the last week, the wife has been driving home for practice. She's not a bad driver by any stretch, but I get so nervous, mainly because of the other people on the road. Drunks, kids racing, cops. We take residential roads home which means plenty of traffic lights and the possibility of critters hopping out in front of us too. In other words, tons of obstacles to dodge. All of it out of my control.

And the more I think about this, the more I realize that this is not just a driving thing. Things that are out of my control eat at me. I can't control my daughter's tantrums. I can't control when one of my bosses makes bad decisions that affect me and the job I have to do. I can't control our neighbor's piss poor parking skills or their shitty cooking, of which the smell always seems to float to our apartment when it is particularly nasty.

I like to think I'm getting better at my control issue thing. I haven't been nearly as nervous in the car in the last two days as before. Of course, tonight is Saturday night which means lots and lots of crazies will be out for the ride home which means more inhaling than exhaling, if you catch my drift.

Note To Self: Exhale more.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Channeling Nostradamus, NHL Style

I'm gonna try to keep it short (the top 8 in each conf.) especially since I'm missing the Twins game to write this. Feel free to comment, where I'll elaborate more on my picks if needed.

Western Conference:
1. Vancouver
2. Chicago
3. Los Angeles
4. Phoenix
5. Detroit
6. San Jose
7. St. Louis
8. Calgary

Some of you hockey fans may be asking yourself, "San Jose in 6th?" Yep, 6th. I think the Sharks' window of  Stanley Cup opportunity has passed, and the downward slide begins this year. Vancouver is, from top to bottom, the most complete team in the West. Chicago will be good this year, but the cap issues and the subsequent fire sale will hurt. L.A. is a team full of good young players and will seriously challenge this year.

Eastern Conference:
1. Washington
2. Pittsburgh
3. Ottawa
4. Buffalo
5. Boston
6. Philadelphia
7. New Jersey
8. Tampa Bay

Washington is clearly the top dog in the East, but one has to wonder if Varlamov is the answer in net. Pittsburgh will be solid as usual, but losing Gonchar will sting a bit. Ottawa will squeak out a division win over a pesky Sabre team.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Out of the Loop

I've been out of the blogging game for 2 years, and I wonder if I've been gone too long. Things have changed...I mean, REALLY changed. Before I restarted this blog, I went through my old blogroll and checked out what my "posse" had been up to while I was gone.

A lot, and yet...not much. A few bloggers had continued to post frequently, a few bloggers had quit blogging completely. Some had life-changing events happen, for some it was the same ol' same ol'. The one thing I did notice was that a lot of bloggers weren't posting as much, often going a month or two in between posts. Is it possible that personal blogging is finally dead? With the emergence of Facebook/Twitter, probably.

And here I am, restarting this thing for a 3rd time.

It seems to me that blogging is too inconvenient for a lot of people, meanwhile Facebook and Twitter are super easy to deal with. Blogs are fully customizable now, Twitter is only semi-customizable, and Facebook is pretty much non-customizable. And I believe that is where the appeal lies. The majority of non-techie type people don't want to waste time, they want to get their messages out there with as little hassle as possible. Facebook accomplishes this very well, not to mention providing games and multimedia options that anyone can figure out on their own without having to call half a dozen relatives for help. Twitter also works, as it feeds into the ADD thing. Blogging on the other hand, requires time and patience, two things that go against the whole "I want it now" Veruca Salt mentality that is all too prevalent in society today.

The social networking craze is just...weird to me too. I can't get used to the idea that putting your name out there for everyone to see is not only accepted but almost required these days. That is, unless you want to appear to be some kind of nutcase who would be best served living in a log cabin, writing up a manifesto. Back in the old days, it was a big deal if someone knew your real name. It was huge if you actually talked to them on the phone. It was enormous if you met face-to-face. Now, it's no big deal.

Maybe I'll get used to the way things have evolved, maybe not. Maybe I'm just an old man who fears change.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

On Notice - Episode 1

Alright...on my old blog, I used to have this thing called the On Notice board. If you're familiar with Stephen Colbert, you probably already know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain.

On his show, he would bring a board out with a list of things/people who are "On Notice" for being annoying/dumb/whatever. Well, someone took that idea and made their own generator, here. Every couple of weeks, I would make my own On Notice list. It's fun and allows me the chance to rip things that annoy or piss me off, so I decided to keep doing it over on this blog.

Ready? Lets boogie...

Lindsay Lohan - You know, I sat here for 5 minutes trying to come up with something witty about this train wreck and...I got nothin'. She's a mess, and not a hot one either.

Facebook - Yeah, I have a Facebook account (link is on sidebar over there --->) but that doesn't mean I like it. In fact, I can't stand Facebook. It's buggy, intrusive, and completely untrustworthy. Selling off your personal info to advertisers? Check. Changing privacy settings without giving you the slightest warning? Check. And don't even get me started on that Farmville shit. Facebook is a joke, period.

Kari Lehtonen - Lehtonen is the new starting goalie for the Dallas Stars and since he is with a new team, he decided to get a new mask...a mask with Chuck Norris painted all over it. FAIL. Chuck Norris is so 2004.

"Catch Process" - Yet another shining example of the stupidity of the NFL. Apparently just coming down with a catch with two feet in bounds isn't enough, you need to carry it back to the sidelines with you or hand it off to a ref or ball boy...WITHOUT DROPPING IT!

Boost Mobile - This is who is providing my wife and I with our cell phone service. $50/month for unlimited calls, texts, and web access. What they don't tell you is that texts don't go through sometimes, the web access is iffy at best (I've tweeted about this numerous times), and there is a serious lack of phone customization. I haven't had any issues with calls though. Bailin' on them at first opportunity though.

The Economy - You suck!

"Biznasty" - This is the twitter name/moniker of pro hockey player Paul Bissonnette, who is supposedly the funniest NHL tweeter ever. If he is the best, then NHL tweeters are really terrible. Well, at least he isn't Dan Ellis. Anyways, judge for yourself.

The Tea Party - Anything that champions Sarah Palin as one of its top dogs should not be taken seriously.

Here We Go Again

Let the blogging begin...

That's all I got right now. Wow, I suck at intro posts.