...the more they stay the same. I'm a firm believer in that credo.
Before I begin, I'd like to throw out a disclaimer. This post is going to be about politics. Yes, I am fully aware that blogging about politics is not only passé, but hated by an awful lot of people. So feel free to stop reading right about now if you don't want to see any more political stuff.
Ok, all 2 of you who are still with me here...
Change. An interesting word. A word that might have possibly been just a teeny tiny wee little bit overused in an election around 2-ish years ago. It's still valid though, since that very word that was used and abused by our President is now being used and abused much the same way by his political foes.
I am (for the most part) a Democrat, and fairly certain that we are gonna get our asses whooped in 9 days. I believe the reason why we are going to lose House/Senate seats along with Governor races is because the people riding the political fence in this country have tipped to the Tea Party side, where they are being served an oh-so-tasty helping of "THE GUBMENT SUCKS!" Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, most of those drinkers are too stupid to realize exactly what they are getting themselves (and rest of us, for that matter) into.
Look, I get that they're angry over being taxed. I don't particularly care for taxes either, but I know well enough to know that they are necessary. I'm no fan of the government, but try to imagine the good ol' US of A with corporations running the education system, or repaving the highway you take to work everyday. Well, that is exactly what the Tea Party wants. Less government. An almost non-existent government. You know, abolishing it would work...if it were 1800, maybe 1900. Not now, it would never work now. We are too dependent on them for, well, everything. When I say "We", I mean EVERYONE, not just the so-called "leeches" on welfare.
Oh wait...they want smaller government, but not at the expense of programs/services they use.
(I highly recommend visiting the link above. It's a long read, but really worth it.)
I listen and see these political ads on the radio, on TV, and the these Tea Party nuts really do have the message figured out. Taxes are too high, the economy is shit, govt. spending is out of control, and it's all the Democrats fault. VOTE THE BUMS OUT! It's a very easy message to get behind, especially if you're lacking in the intelligence department. And a lot of folks are getting behind the message...possibly too many for Democrats to overcome.
I hope I'm wrong.
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