...the unemployed of the United States of America.
This country is FUBAR. Republicans are blocking all legislation unless they get their tax cuts for the rich extended. Obama is "working with the other side of the aisle" to "fix" things, which means he is bending over backwards to appease the Right so he doesn't look like GW (unwilling to be bi-partisan) while completely alienating those of us on the Left. He buckled on health care, he's buckling on the tax cuts, he's buckling on, well...anything and everything thrown his way. If he really thinks that by capitulating to the Right's every whim that he'll gain favor with them, he is sorely mistaken. They will continue to call him every name that they always have...socialist, communist, bleeding heart.
Meanwhile, American companies just had their most profitable quarter ever.
All this in the middle of a bad economy. We're hosed. This country has hit the slippery slope at full speed and it is all downhill from here.
What the fuck is next...$4 for a gallon of gas again? Hyper inflation? How much more can they stick it to us serfs?
I am utterly sick of it. This country has become a joke.
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